

咨询中心, in collaboration with Residence Life, offers education regarding Alcohol and Other Drugs to students, 工作人员, 和老师. 鼓励正在经历与酒精/药物使用相关问题的学生与咨询服务部门安排咨询/评估. These services are free and confidential. 如果需要继续治疗酒精或其他药物滥用/依赖,可以转介到外部机构.

学生被发现违反 十大网络彩票平台大全's alcohol policy 是否被要求参加教育以继续他们的学术和/或运动项目, 在某些情况下, to maintain their resident student status.

大学鼓励学生和大学社区的其他成员在需要帮助时提供帮助. This is most important in medical emergencies due to alcohol and /or drug use. Students are expected to report medical emergencies due to alcohol or drug use.

学生应该毫不犹豫地寻求帮助,因为害怕受到纪律处分. 一个积极寻求帮助的人醉酒或受影响的学生不会, 在大多数情况下, be charged under the University Judicial Process for seeking help, as determined within the discretion of the University.

A help seeker is defined as a person or persons, 在事件中因担心或担心他人的安全和/福利而主动寻求帮助的人.


性暴力和家庭暴力发生在每个社区,影响到所有性别的人, 比赛, 和年龄.  由于各种不同的原因,性虐待和家庭暴力是最不被报道的犯罪. Reporting these crimes is a personal decision.





While the legal definitions of consent may vary by location and circumstance, 总的概念总是一样的:同意是一个持续讨论界限和你觉得舒服的过程.

Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent should be clearly and freely communicated. 口头和肯定的同意表达可以帮助你和你的伴侣理解和尊重彼此的界限.

Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, 或睡着或失去知觉. If someone agrees to an activity under pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t considered consent because it was not given freely. 不平等权力动态, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, also mean that consent cannot be freely given.


Your immediate safety is the first priority: call 911 if you are not safe.

When you are safe, seek medical attention right away. This is the first step of recovery.  拨打911 描述一下袭击或强奸.

不要淋浴或洗澡:这会影响重要法医证据的收集.  出于同样的原因, 不洗任何衣物-包括内衣-在袭击或强奸期间穿过.  It is ok to put the clothing in a paper bag (not a plastic bag).  When the 911 operator receives your call, 如果你没有受伤, 一名警官会把你送到费城安全协作中心(300e). 狩猎公园大道.费城; 215-425-1625); this is where PSARC (费城 Sexual Assault Resource Center) and the police department’s Special Victims Unit (SVU) are located.  If you previously put your clothing in a paper bag, be sure to bring it.

As an alternative to calling 911, you may also call SVU (24/7: 215-685-3251) and go there without a police officer providing the transportation.  Reports are not taken over the phone.  SVU and PSARC operate 24/7; they help victims/survivors day and night.

If you are seriously injured, go to a hospital and explain what happened.  当您的健康状况稳定时,医院会拨打911以确保上述情况发生.

At SVU, you will be asked to describe what happened to a detective.  我们强烈鼓励幸存者这样做:这通常是恢复的又一步. 

一名经过特殊训练的PSARC护士将对你进行性侵犯检查,评估你的健康状况和任何伤害.   Collection of forensic evidence also occurs.  First aid and medication may be given, and the nurse will explain important information about STDs, 生育控制, 以及医疗后护理. 

In many situations, a WOAR advocate may provide in-person support at PSARC.  If this cannot be arranged, a WOAR advocate will follow up with you by phone.



Domestic violence refers to the willful intimidation, 物理攻击, 电池, 性侵犯, 和/或其他虐待行为,作为一个亲密伴侣或同居者对另一个人施加的权力和控制模式的一部分.



强奸,虐待 & 乱伦国家网络) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.希望; online.RAINN.org)与超过1人合作,在全国范围内为当地的性侵犯服务提供者提供服务,并为国防部运营国防部安全热线. RAINN also carries out 项目 to prevent sexual violence, 帮助幸存者, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.


The Woman Organized Against Rape (WOAR) 组织与幸存者合作, their loved ones and their support network to support healing, 找到他们的声音, understand the impact of trauma and find ways to thrive.

沃恩提供 向遭受过性暴力的儿童和成人提供免费受害者和创伤治疗服务这包括性虐待, 性骚扰, 强奸/约会强奸, and incest to heal from sexual trauma. It does not matter if the sexual trauma occurred yesterday or 40 years ago. WOAR works with anyone who has experienced sexual trauma. Call of text the 24-hour hotline at 215-985-3333. 工作人员和志愿者都是训练有素的性侵犯顾问和/或硕士准备的顾问.

The website contains information related to:

  • 咨询服务/Treatment resources
  • 受害者的宣传
  • 性侵犯资源
  • 法院及法律资讯

The 费城 Sexual Assault Response Center (PSARC) 成立于2011年,旨在满足16岁及以上性侵犯受害者的法医和医疗需求. PSARC是一家私营公司, 非营利性中心,其使命是为费城的性侵犯受害者提供评估和评估方面的专业知识. All services are provided in a private, 位于费城警察局特殊受害者处附近的医疗办公室. This unique setting allows for private, confidential, victim-centered care.

The center is 工作人员ed 24/7, by on-call, specially trained and experienced Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) 谁为女性和男性提供强奸法证检验和证据收集. 工作人员都是训练有素、富有同情心的护士,在照顾性侵犯患者方面有多年的经验.

PSARC与费城警察局的特殊受害者小组密切合作, the 费城 District Attorney's Office, 费城反性暴力中心(原妇女反强奸组织或WOAR), 以及费城性侵犯咨询委员会,为性侵犯提供以幸存者为中心的方法.


The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) 一个全州范围的合作会员组织是否致力于结束亲密伴侣暴力和所有形式的暴力侵害妇女行为. PCADV offers help or information about abuse and advocacy.


反对虐待妇女组织 平均出场11次,500 people over the past five years through a continuum of trauma-informed care, as well as community education and advocacy. Services offered include assistance with shelter, 咨询, 经济和就业支持, 以及法律信息.

可以得到帮助! Call the citywide, 24-hour 费城 Domestic Violence Hotline (1-866-723-3014) anytime for crisis intervention, safety planning, resources and referrals. All calls are free, confidential and anonymous.

热线咨询师可以帮助你联系费城地区的免费服务, 包括紧急住房, 法律服务, behavioral health services and other resources.

There is also a chat line for when this option is safer than calling. 受家庭暴力影响的亲人也可以打电话寻求帮助,帮助他们的亲人.

聊天服务是一种安全、私密的方式,可以与妇女反虐待倡导者联系. Web Chat is available every day from 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.

网络聊天是端到端加密的, 这意味着只有你和你正在聊天的律师可以阅读正在发送的信息的内容. When you are done with your web chat, 这是一个好主意,清除您的计算机的历史记录和清除您的计算机的cookies. This will prevent anyone from viewing your internet activity.


十大网络彩票平台大全致力于提供一个良好的工作环境和教育环境, 还有其他好处, 项目, 和活动, that are free from discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复.